The BIG chase

I was taking a walk around  my neighbourhood until I suddenly came across a giant BEAST I thought I he started to growl but I left It. My Grandmar used to tell not to not run away from dogs but I could not not run away so the chase was on I started to run by my friends house to get cover but I had one knock and ran in circles outside there house until they answered they never did I went back round a bend I there it could not see me I peeked and peeked but it ran away. I WAS SAFE!!

why is it always them!!

listen… do you ever think why your parents always have to boss you around and decide if you can have this and that. Even is you pay with your own SAVINGS!!! To be fair they are a lot older than you and they do need to take care of you but what if I was in charge. This week I will buy anything i want until I run out of money. hear this my plan I will “arrange” to go into the cinema with my cousin but i will secretly go to the shops instead and buy what ever i want  but wait … Continue reading why is it always them!!

My strange life – 100 word challenge

In the beginning I was at macdonald until I dropped my burger because my brother poured my drinkn all over me. When we got home my brother got sent to his room but somehow he was still aloud to go on his xbox but he wasn’t alaod to come down so he was on his xbox for longer!AT 10.00pm I had to go to bed but my brother got sent to bed at 10.45pm … the next day I  woke upo in shock I was on the floor and everything was gone from my room we were moving to a different house…