The Beast

I was running away from… I can’t even call that a living thing. It has no mercy and never gives up on chasing me. This might be my last message that anyone will ever read my whole squad is lost in this jungle and the giant beasts just come at random moments. I am hiding under a broken tree with its strong roots protecting me but that won’t stop the bleeding of a claw scratch so i will just sit here until the inevitable happens. This is lieutenant Luke whittle and he is sighing off. I hope my story is … Continue reading The Beast

teapot trap

Hello there i am David hattenborough i like to wear hats but lets get on with the documentary. In this episode i have encountered a strange animal that looks like a teapot that is called tea as potus and is native to the south Caribbean islands. I am making a trap to catch it. Four days later it has sprung and my trap has caught the animal. Lets inspect this beautiful creature. It has extremely large viper like teeth perfect for catching prey and look at its webbed feet for swimming when threatened. well goodbye and see you again soon.

why the grown-ups?

Why are the grown-ups always in charge. They always get us to do jobs for them but if i was in charge i would make them do jobs for us. Like get us the ice cream or send them up to there room when they have been naughty and the best part we could stay up all night without anyone saying go up to bed. That would definitely be the best part. But that is only a dream and would never come true even if we really wanted it. It will never ever happen…or will it

Playing Cricket by Matthew

Hi everybody! Most of the time I am very shy about doing stuff like this but I am going to talk about when I was in a cricket team. In the beginning, I was really bad at cricket but of course every one who played cricket started off somewhere. Over time, I gradually got better and I decided I would stay in the team for some time. I got really good but I eventually got bored so I quit the team and took up baseball. I am currently doing baseball and I love it; I will definitely keep playing this sport!