The Lion and the Human!

One day, I was walking along the beach (it was a breezy day) when I came across something colourful ,in the distance . I walked further until the blue and bright red got to a semi-circle… I carried on walking … and as I came to the side of the tent , I found a weird-looking animal. It had pale fur and a lovely cream hat with peach ribbon outlining it. What in the world of animals did I have in it’s paws!?!??! It was a black front cover but then the odd creature turned over the page . Oh…It was a book!!! How mindless am … Continue reading The Lion and the Human!

One leap ahead

The alarmed hunter armed himself with his air rifle that was fully loaded with bullets. Pointing it at the snarling lion, he prepared for a tough fight to the death. It was now or never…PHUTTT! The lethal bullet hurtled towards the lion and hit it smack in the face. Although the ammunition caused major damage, the fight was still not over. The lion leaped up into the air and pounced on the hunter with his jaws digging into human skin. The mortally wounded poacher had very little chance of survival, even if he received immediate medical treatment. But could he … Continue reading One leap ahead

The lion who came for tea?!?!

In the early hours of this morning, police discovered a petrified man who was nearly eaten by a ferocious lion wanting his dinner! The man  was  Mr Bilbo Baggins himself (37) , who was trying to hunt this lion. Medics  were called when a local dog walker (68) discovered the man unconscious on a field behind some bushes. he was immediately rushed to  hospital where the best doctor in the country treated him for a deep scratch on his left ear. The medics have confirmed he’s regained consciousness and will survive the unlucky encounter  with the lion. Do you think he deserves it  for hunting? I don’t.

The run of his life

The ferocious lion stalks me and I start to panic. The lion roars and digs its razor sharp claws into the grassy plain, before charging toward me like a bull. My heart pounding, I start to run like a gazelle. However, the lion powers after me, hunting me down like its prey. Suddenly, the plain plummets into the cool undergrowth of a deep, dark forest. I leap onto a low branch on the nearest tree, just as the lion’s paws flash past my dangling legs. Gripping the tree with my arms, I cling on, as the lion prowls beneath me, waiting to pounce.

The Great Escape

Opening night, the crowd  cheered; the circus lights dimmed.  The mean, cruel Ringmaster in his scarlet red coat and tall jet black hat whipped the glum lion.  Speedily, it leapt through the flamming  hoop – the crowd went wild! Showover, back in the cage the sad and gloomy lion looked on.   Suddenly, in the dead of night under the twinkling stars the circus strongman tore at the sturdy bars.  Lion and strongman crept stealthily away into the night – never to be in the show again! Morning, lush green grass, clear blue sky.  The proud lion and kind-hearted strongman … Continue reading The Great Escape

The final Prompt!!!

  Our Finalists need to create a 100 word passage based on this image. It needs to be completed by Friday 27th April. Each piece will then be printed off and given anonymously to each class. Every child in the school will vote for their favourite passage. The votes will be counted and winners announced in a celebration assembly before half term. Good Luck!

The last look

The malicious beast made its way through the murky depths of the Chasm of Death, slithering towards where five teenagers were causing chaos. The Hydra concealed itself among the foliage, waiting for the moment to strike. Dark clouds gathered around the vicinity, rumbling ominously through all that was left of day. Abruptly, the teenagers realized their major blunder and started to sprint away. Although they ran quickly, they were still not making progress in their last-minute escape. One by one, they all turned their heads to face the Hydra. Like puppets whose strings had been cut, the youths all fell … Continue reading The last look

Jack’s Golden Egg

Silently, Jack crept through the kitchen door ; he glimpsed the shiny, golden egg in the Giant’s secret cupboard. Quickly, Jack slipped the precious, valuable egg into his pocket. Jack tried to make his escape but, with a loud clatter, he tripped over the Giant’s boxer dog’s bone! The sleeping dog opened one eye ; he spied Jack heading towards the door. Immediately, the snarling , fuming dog barked loudly ; alerting the dozing giant. Hastily, Jack made his escape and ran quickly down the beach to the beanstalk with the monstrous dog hot-on-his-heels. Will the mischievous Jack escape with … Continue reading Jack’s Golden Egg

Giant Bull Dog Attacks New York

Last week, an American city (New York) was attacked by a giant bull dog after a UFO landed in Africa the species that landed was called the Joseph’s! At first, we thought the aliens were nice but then they set off their dogs and one chased me down the road and we now have no choice but to get out our lazers and kill them all! If they refuse we will have to go to galaxy war 1 ! It is believed that they are from the planet mars bar!! We are fighting the joseph’s now and everyone is sure … Continue reading Giant Bull Dog Attacks New York

George Birchs post

As I went furfur in the woods I could see the yellow eases where staring at me then I saw it the massive bull dog came out of the shadows it screamed at me I was terrifying fly VIP blip dead sang sinter angry then out of the blue but he was nether seen again bop bop bop bop bop bop no no no can you see it and this is all because of the angry dog nooooooooooooooooo brother…