The lion who came for tea?!?!

In the early hours of this morning, police discovered a petrified man who was nearly eaten by a ferocious lion wanting his dinner! The man  was  Mr Bilbo Baggins himself (37) , who was trying to hunt this lion. Medics  were called when a local dog walker (68) discovered the man unconscious on a field behind some bushes. he was immediately rushed to  hospital where the best doctor in the country treated him for a deep scratch on his left ear. The medics have confirmed he’s regained consciousness and will survive the unlucky encounter  with the lion. Do you think he deserves it  for hunting? I don’t.

The New York Giant

Malfoy was on his way home from school has to walk past Mr Snaps house he least favourite teacher ( yes Snap not Snape from Harry potter ) who had a ginormous boxer dog called Harry who hated Malfoy for no reason at all he just hates him like a dog hates a cat. One day though it was raining very heavily and when Malfoy walked past Snaps house he slipped on to the garden so Harry the boxer dog ran up to Malfoy then Malfoy thought he would be killed but turns out this New York giant was just a friendly … Continue reading The New York Giant

But what if I was in charge.

200 years ago we invested in nuclear power how stupid we were. After a while the world leaders started to take advantage of this and threatened with nuclear warhead ending in a catastrophic war… luckily we were under ground in a bunker were we were cryogenically frozen and today 200 hundred years later were back! We started by making a clean water supply and our leader invested all of our materials into weapons and one day he died from radiation.The group made an election for the new leader. They all said to each other ,”but what if I was in charge” ; … Continue reading But what if I was in charge.

please don’t speed!

Once upon a time in money land there was a boy called Jeff Fisher and his dad Martin Fisher owned a Lamborghini one day his way to school they were moving very fast when BANG! SCRECH! KABOOM! we had hit a bus… Three weeks later. He woke up with a startle this morning even though he crashed three weeks ago he could still remember it like it was yesterday. Apparently it happened ; the brakes failed and we collided with a bus! When he arrived at the hospital the doctor said we were extremely luck to even be alive and luckily no one was hurt. … Continue reading please don’t speed!

Ryan wants to win.

It came down the drainpipe on a cold and stormy night and the old man had a fright :  it was the dead of night… that fright was a kite! In the house there was a mouse who owned a ginger bread house. Later that evening a farmer was wheezing because he had just chased a cow what can meeeowww. Just like the cat who chased the rat down the country lane and the heavy rain started again and when the clock strikes ten you will read this again until its gets boring and you start snoring see you in the … Continue reading Ryan wants to win.

Family of three

Breaking news: Arciolegists have recently discovered three stone blocks what appear to look like a family of three in the left you can see the child in the middle the mother and in the right the father. The locals of this village say there’s a myth that 350 years ago this family were once gods and when they died the villagers decided to make the family in stone so we can all remember them to this day. There is also a story that there soul still lives on in the stone statues.

tick toc the clock

Once upon a time there was a clock called tic toc but his friends called him tic toc the clock. Tic toc’s favourite colour was red because his cars chasse  was a crimson red. One day though when he went to  work he saw outside a  snake called Nagini appeared (the snake usually cycles to tic tocs house.) That morning tic toc had to be extra careful getting into his car and before the little clock drove his car to work he checked to see where his hands where so he was at work on time and he and the snake lived … Continue reading tick toc the clock

In the beginning there was a dog and his name was Floyd  he could fly. Fly like a Seagull and one day he met Wallace and Grommit. He had a quest though a quest to help them get to the moon and prove that is made of cheese (THREE DAYS LATER.) They met Spongebob ,Harry Potter and Mickey mouse. So they all got in a flying potato and flew to the moon.On the moon they met Mr bean  so they got a potato gun and shot him the leg and they loved his amazing car then last but not least … Continue reading