The Dog

Once in a town, what was very ordinary, a boy named Dobby was walking down the road when he saw a scientist carrying a massive dog. he followed him to see what was going but suddenly he disappeared into thin air. Then he saw the biggest dog in the world. the dog saw him and began to chase him. he ran and ran until the dog was so    close    the dog…

How to Escape a Boxer Dog

How to Escape a Giant Boxer Dog. Are you always being chased by giant boxer dogs? Do you need a solution to not get chased? If so, follow these simple steps! You will need: A great pair of running shoes. A hat (if necessary) A pair of gloves(if necessary) A water pistol. Method: First, you need to get your running shoes on. Next, you run as fast as you can to wherever you need to go eg: school. Finally, if the dog chases you shoot the water pistol at the dog as dogs hate water.    

The BIG chase

I was taking a walk around  my neighbourhood until I suddenly came across a giant BEAST I thought I he started to growl but I left It. My Grandmar used to tell not to not run away from dogs but I could not not run away so the chase was on I started to run by my friends house to get cover but I had one knock and ran in circles outside there house until they answered they never did I went back round a bend I there it could not see me I peeked and peeked but it ran away. I WAS SAFE!!

The New York Giant

Malfoy was on his way home from school has to walk past Mr Snaps house he least favourite teacher ( yes Snap not Snape from Harry potter ) who had a ginormous boxer dog called Harry who hated Malfoy for no reason at all he just hates him like a dog hates a cat. One day though it was raining very heavily and when Malfoy walked past Snaps house he slipped on to the garden so Harry the boxer dog ran up to Malfoy then Malfoy thought he would be killed but turns out this New York giant was just a friendly … Continue reading The New York Giant

The Beast

I was running away from… I can’t even call that a living thing. It has no mercy and never gives up on chasing me. This might be my last message that anyone will ever read my whole squad is lost in this jungle and the giant beasts just come at random moments. I am hiding under a broken tree with its strong roots protecting me but that won’t stop the bleeding of a claw scratch so i will just sit here until the inevitable happens. This is lieutenant Luke whittle and he is sighing off. I hope my story is … Continue reading The Beast

The big evil dog.

As I was walking through the freezing attic I suddenly saw a massive boxer dog running at me as I tried to get away from the scary big dog but all of a sudden it grabbed my leg and dragged me to his lair. As I wake up dizzy I noticed I was hanging from a thin piece of rope as I tried to free myself the huge dog came in to the room and then went out. Quickly,he freed himself and ran as quick as lightning out on the crazy house and the man ran and ran to be never seen again.

The Chase Is On….

He tip-toed up to the start of the beach. There was nothing there.  All’s he could see was the mountains with snow on.  The determind boy carried on. He was eager to get to the other side of the beach.  Little did he know that the beach was 2,876,500 sqm and that a dog was behind him….. The boy ran ; he didn’t stop running!!!  The dog was chasing him right across the beach!!!! The boy thought the dog was a wolf but he couldn’t get a proper glimpse of it, in case he toppled over and got a mouth full of sand.

The Slavering Beast

Once upon a time there was a young boy named Thomas. Thomas’s family was poor and lived in a little brown small hut not so far from new York but – one day him and his dog went for a walk and seen a mysterious looking box. The box was open and there was a glowing blue beam coming from it but while Thomas was not looking the dog snatched the potion out of the box. As the young boy turned around there was a sudden look of disbelief in his eyes  as the dog began to get taller, taller and … Continue reading The Slavering Beast

My Wacky Weekend

This weekend I was excited we were going to Malibu for a weekend break!! During the car trip I drove past a  scientist lab and was almost a guinea pig in his test . When we arrived I was hungry and asked my mum if we could have a pizza but she said ” Pizza isn’t healthy so we are going to subway ” she exclaimed “and if you eat it  you can have a little toy . 4 hours later we had eaten our subway and it turns out the toy was a pet dog who the next day … Continue reading My Wacky Weekend

A Boy Gets Too Brave

The vast Ferris wheel stood on the south bank of the river Thames.  Tourists from all over the world gathered in the spacious pods; chattering excitedly.  Cameras and mobile phones held up to the window, waiting to see London’s amazing sights – the elaborate Buckingham Palace, the statuesque Shard, the famous Big Ben and Houses of Parliament. Spinning, slowly, safely, smoothly up into the sky.  The wheel turned calmly contrasting with the bustling, eager tourists inside.  Suddenly, one tourist gasped; pointing nervously towards the pod ceiling.  A small boy stood on the outside of the pod waved at the surprised crowd.  But how … Continue reading A Boy Gets Too Brave